
Celebrating Big Hearts

Educators’ Day at LEAD Childcare
– it takes a big heart to shape little minds

Every year in September we celebrate the commitment and the hard work of our Early Childhood Educators. Our industry dedicates one day a year to recognising the work that our Educators do on a daily basis. At LEAD Childcare we like to dedicate the entire month of September to our Educators. Showering them in gifts and appreciation each week to show them how much we appreciate and value the work that they do for our youngest generation.

We admire our Educators tireless effort in educating and shaping the minds of our children throughout their most important years of learning. Their passion and commitment is inspiring. Educators, we cannot thank you enough for your hard work, commitment and patience. You are the bone of our communities, preparing our next generation to lead the world towards a brighter future. You are loved and appreciated beyond measure.


Note from our CEO, Dr. Nina Hefford.

Dear Educators,

I want you all to know, how grateful, proud and appreciative I am of everything you do, day in, day out!
We see you, we hear you, we value you!

You are LEAD Childcare!


A message from our General Manager, Shar Tukaokao.

We want to thank you for all the hard work you do everyday.  The work that is seen and the work that is less apparent.

Committed and passionate Teachers and Educators are irreplaceable hero’s in our Children’s lives. The appreciation is a lifelong reward that not only comes from this ‘Thank You’ message but in the memories your children will have about the time they have spent with you when they are grown. Conversation’s they will share with their own children as they remember the positive impact you have had on their life journey.